
Alexandra Barmin - Junior Front-End Developer Resume

Hello, I'm Alexandra
Front-End Developer
Very interested in creation of uniq and stylish apps and webpages that are beautiful outside and intelligent under the hood. For this purpose I try to dive deep into this subject and to follow the best practices and mentors to write clean and high-performance code.
My current goal and interest is: to focus on React + Redux more deeply, probably to learn UI/Ux design in the future to stronger my work results and to make them look more interesting.

Education and Courses

Obtained Skills

Usage of Everyday Types, Generics, specifying each variable in order to improve the code's quality and to avoid possible errors.

Usage of Webpack to parse the application's modules and to assemble the modules in the correct order into one or more bundles.

Use BEM methodology and W3C Validation in order creation of reusabile blocks and easily understood and verifided code.

Love to apply vanilla JavaScript to bring the site to life, add some interesting animations, sliders, popups, SPA, some simple games

Combine media queries, various units of measurement and breakpoints to find the best solution to an issue. Integrate variables, nesting, mixins, extends to simplify and clean css and scss files.

Have git basic knowledge of working with branches, commits and repositories, teamwork experience(GitHub).


Some Interesting Facts

  • Can express my thoughts in 5 languages.
  • Aworded as the best teacher of foreign languages among youth ​​in the Mogilev region, 2019.
  • Donate and help to animal shelters on a monthly basis.
  • Accasuanally gave interviews to different newspapers more than 5 times.
  • Do love painting by numbers, knitting and cross-stitch.